
追求霸权:杜鲁门政府对朝鲜停战谈判的政策 被引量:11

Seeking Hegemony:The Truman Administration's Policy Towards the Armistice Talks of Korean War
摘要 在朝鲜停战谈判前和谈判进行中,杜鲁门政府均未考虑通过谈判结束战争。正是由于朝鲜的热战持续下去,美国国会才批准了来自行政部门的巨额军事预算。在雄厚的财力基础上,杜鲁门政府欲使美国对外政策军事化,从而实现夺取全球霸权的战略目标。此外,为避免来自各方面的压力,华盛顿决策者使用各种手段掩盖其战略企图,寻找能引起国内外舆论认可其拖延谈判的理由,为其僵化的谈判政策作辩护。特别是,美国利用战俘遣返问题故意拖延停战谈判,成为该谈判久拖不决的真正缘由。 The Truman administration never intended to end the Korean War through negotiations both before and after the armistice talks began. It was just because of the continuation of the hot war in Korea that the Congress approved the huge military budget of the executive branch. Beefed up by abundant financial resources the Truman administration tried to militarize the American foreign policy and realize its strategic goal of world dominance. Besides, in order to avoid pressures from all sides, the policy makers in Washington used every possible means to cover their strategic intentions and look for all kinds of excuses that might be approved by American and foreign public opinions to delay the talks and defend their rigid negotiation policy. More importantly, the American side made use of the repatriation of prisoners of war for the purpose of delaying the armistice talks, which proved to be the true cause of the long delay.
作者 邓峰
出处 《中共党史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期34-45,共12页 CPC History Studies
基金 教育部2006年度重大课题攻关项目“冷战时期美国重大外交政策研究”阶段性成果(06JZD0013)
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