塔里木沙漠公路防护林生态工程全长436 km,造林树种以抗逆性较强的沙拐枣(CalligonumL.)、柽柳(Tamarix L.)、梭梭(Haloxylon Bunge)等优良防风固沙灌木为主,采用高矿化度地下水滴灌。2005年5月,公路沿线出现了罕见的突发性强降雨,由此引起的表层土壤盐分淋溶造成了沙拐枣大量死亡。本研究采用线路调查和随机抽样方法,在突发性强降雨后对塔里木沙漠公路防护林带内沙拐枣死亡率进行了调查,并对调查结果及其原因进行了分析,结果表明:沙拐枣死亡率(1)随林龄的增加而减小;(2)随矿化度的升高而增大;(3)垄间平沙地>过渡区>高大沙垄垄体;(4)林带中央>公路旁>林带外围。
The shelterbelt eco-project along the Tarim Desert highway is 436 kilometers long, which is drip-irrigated with high saline groundwater. Its main afforestation species are Tamarix, Calligonum, and Haloxylon, which are good windbreak and sand fixation trees with strong salt-resistance, strong drought-resistance, blown-sand-resistance, et al. Because of strong soil evaporation and strong capillarity in such extreme arid environment in the Taklimakan Desert, soil salt from irrigation moves upwards with soil water and accumulates on surface soil gradually, even forms salt crusts. Salt of crusts is easily leached downs by precipitation, if the depth is the same as main distribution layer of pants roots, sah-injuries happen easily which can lead to plants death when serious. Precipitation, especially unexpected strong predipitation occurs infrequently. An infrequent unexpected strong precipitation appeared along the Tarim Desert highway in May, 2005, which induced salt leaching of soil surface salt crusts and caused many Calligonum die. In this study, route investigation and random sampling are used to investigate the moralities of Calligonum under conditions of different forest age, different mineralization of irrigation water, different site type, and distribution location in the shelterbelts after the unexpected strong precipitation, and the investigation results were analyzed. The results are as follows : ( 1 ) The mortality of Calligonum reduces with the forest age incresing; (2) the mortality increases with the mineralization of irrigation water; (3) the mortality under different site type show that ground among longitudinal dunes 〉 transition region 〉 high and large sand dune; (4) the mortality of different distribution location in the sheherbelts shows that forest-belts central 〉 nearby road 〉 forest belt periphery. Salt-injury is one of main problems the shelterbehs eco-project faces, this study can provide theoretical basis of maintenance management and sustainable use for it. There
Arid Land Geography
the shelterbelt eco-project along the Tarim Desert Highway
unexpected strong precipitation
drip-irrigation with saline water
salt leaching
mortality of Calligonum