

Study on the Confucian Thoughts of Cultivating Oneself in the Field Vision of Master Zhuang
摘要 在庄子看来,孔子注重修身,认为修身应修心(或修内),内心应无机巧,应忘却仁义礼智,让功名利禄及生死不入于心,做到"心斋"与"坐忘",以虚静之心与道相合。孔子还认为修身应处理好心、物之关系,即修己而顺物;修己,进而化人;化人而达到治天下。且以修心为本,修心乃顺物、化人、治理天下之前提;修心之目的为处好己与物、天下之关系(或修外)。孔子还谈到修内与修外之关系,他以为应该以无心的态度中立于修内与修外之间,不偏重于任何一方。但庄子以为至人无须修心,则更无修心之目的。至人无心而任自然之性,逍遥于道德之乡。至人更无须修外。 In the vision of Master Zhuang , Master Kong pay much attention to cultivation of oneself, considers cultivation of oneself through cultivating one's mind (that is inner world ) to have no wisdom, to forget humanity and righteousness and ritual rites and wisdom, to refuse reputation and profit come to mind, to refuse life and death come to mind, to fast mind and sit in forgetfulness, to become one with the way through empty vacuity of oneself and quietscene of oneself. Master Kong maintains to treat the relationship of mind and things, that is following things , cultivating oneself and then affecting others, affecting others and then governing the world. Master Kong considers the cultivation of mind is the hypothesis of cultivating oneself, and it is the foundation of following things and governing the world. The purpose of cultivating mind is get on well with things and the world, in other words, that is cultivating the outer world. Master Kong also refers to the relationship of cultivating the inner world and cultivating the outer world. He considers one must be mindless to cultivation of inner world and outer world, not be prejudice against either of them. But Master Zhuang maintains that the perfect man need not cultivate his mind and have no aim to cultivate mind, have free and happy excursion in the Land of Nothing.
作者 吴冬梅
出处 《淮北职业技术学院学报》 2009年第2期31-33,共3页 Journal of Huaibei Vocational and Technical College
关键词 庄子 儒家 修身 Master Zhuang Confucian Scholars cultivation of oneself
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  • 1冯达文,郭齐勇主编..新编中国哲学史 下[M].北京:人民出版社,2004:395.








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