Polypeptide hybrid triblock copolymer, poly(L-glutamic acid)-b-poly(propylene oxide)-b-poly (L-glu-tamic acid) (PLGA-b-PPO-b-PLGA), was synthesized by the ring-opening polymerization of benzyl-L-glutamic N-carboxyanhydride (BLG-NCA) using poly(propylene glycol) bis(2-aminopropyl ether) as initiator, followed by the subsequent deprotection step. The obtained double hydrophilic triblock co-polymer exhibits "schizophrenic" micellization behavior in aqueous solution upon dually playing with solution pH and temperature. The multi-responsive micellization behavior of this polypeptide hybrid triblock copolymer has been thoroughly investigated by 1H NMR, laser light scattering (LLS), tempera-ture-dependent optical transmittance, and circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD).
Polypeptide hybrid triblock copolymer, poly(L-glutamic acid)-b-poly(propylene oxide)-b-poly (L-glutamic acid) (PLGA-b-PPO-b-PLGA), was synthesized by the ring-opening polymerization of benzyI-L- glutamic N-carboxyanhydride (BLG-NCA) using poly(propylene glycol) bis(2-aminopropyl ether) as initiator, followed by the subsequent deprotection step. The obtained double hydrophilic triblock co- polymer exhibits "schizophrenic" micellization behavior in aqueous solution upon dually playing with solution pH and temperature. The multi-responsive micellization behavior of this polypeptide hybrid triblock copolymer has been thoroughly investigated by 1H NMR, laser light scattering (LLS), tempera- ture-dependent optical transmittance, and circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD).
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.20534020, 20674079, and 20874092)