
P2P网络信誉机制研究综述 被引量:3

Survey of Reputation Mechanism in Peer-to-Peer Network
摘要 随着P2P技术应用日益广泛,大量存在的恶意行为严重影响了P2P系统的可用性和服务质量。已有工作表明,建立信誉机制是解决该问题的有效方案。首先介绍P2P信誉机制的主要研究内容,然后重点从信誉信息的存储和共享技术、信誉信息的聚合算法、信誉信息的激励方式3个方面对当前的研究工作进行了总结和比较,最后探讨了信誉机制的主要设计原则。 Peer-to-Peer(P2P) technology has been widely used in file-sharing, distributed computing, e-market and information management. One of the fundamental challenges for P2P systems is the ability to manage risks involved in interacting and collaborating with prior unknown and potentially malicious parties. Reputation systems can successfully minimize the potential damages to the P2P systems by computing the trustworthiness of a certain peer from that peer's behavior history. This paper focused on the issue of reputation mechanism. Firstly the contents of reputation mechanism were introduced. Next several key technologies of reputation mechanism were discussed, such as storage, share, aggregation and incentive. Finally this paper put forward the essential design principles of the ideal reputation mechanism.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期26-28,52,共4页 Computer Science
基金 国家863高技术研究发展计划基金项目(2007AA01Z422)资助
关键词 P2P 信誉 激励 设计原则 Peer-to-peer,Reputation, Incentive,Design principles
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