目的:探讨面中部表情肌的构筑学特点及其附着点空间坐标,为临床应用提供解剖学基础。方法:对8例尸体的颧大肌、提口角肌、颧小肌、提上唇肌、提上唇鼻翼肌进行大体解剖、肌构筑学测量、扫描肌肉附着起止点。结果:颧大肌、提口角肌、颧小肌、提上唇肌、提上唇鼻翼肌的肌重分别为1.52、0.69、1.00、1.06、0.72 g;肌长分别为56.24、34.35、47.28、28.48、48.35 mm;生理横切面积分别为30.97、21.37、23.83、42.53、16.52 mm2;5条表情肌起点的空间坐标(mm)分别为(49.55,-63.86,-6.35),(67.80,-30.59,-21.02),(63.27,-55.94,-10.44),(74.98,-31.57,-7.10),(83.22,-8.04,15.47),颧大肌、提口角肌止点坐标是(70.83,-36.65,-49.85),颧小肌、提上唇肌、提上唇鼻翼肌止点坐标是(80.23,-26.84,-30.98)。结论:面中部表情肌收缩力量小,各有其不同的肌力矢量,合成后的生理横切面积是121.86 mm2,方向是与X轴夹角105.36°、与Y轴夹角104.38°、与Z轴夹角21.29°。
Objective: To investigate the architectural features of midfacial muscles and offer anatomic basis for the clinical application. Methods: In eight cadavers, The gross anatomy, muscular architecture study and registering spatial coordinates of attachment sites of muscles were performed on M. zygomaticus major, M. levator anguli oris, M. zygomaticus minor, M. levator labii superioris and M. levator alae nasi. Results: The wet muscle weight (g) of the above muscles was 1.52, 0.69, 1.00, 1.06 and 0.72, their length (ram) 56.24, 34.35, 47.28, 28.48 and 48.35, the physiological cross-sectional area (mm2) 30.97, 21.37, 23.83, 42.53 and 16.52, spatial coordinates of origin (mm) (49.55, -63.86, -6.35 ), (67.80, -30.59, -21.02), (63.27, -55.94, -10.44 ), (74.98, -31.57, -7.10)and (83.22, -8.04, 15.47), respectively. Spatial coordinates of insertion of M. zygomaticus major, M. levator anguli oris were (70.83,-36.65, -49.85 ), as well that ofM. zygomaticus minor, M. levator labii superioris and M. levator alae nasi (80.23, -26.84, -30.98). Conclusions: Midfacial muscles possess small forces of muscle contraction and different muscle strength vectors. The physiological cross-sectional area was 121.86mm^2 after merging ,while the angle among the action line and the X axis ,the Y axis and the Z axis are 105.36°, 104.38° and 21.29°, respectively.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
facial muscles
muscle architecture
clinical anatomy