
社区经济结构与个体的社会资本——以广州和兰州贫困居民为例 被引量:2

The Economic Structure of the Community and the Social Capital of the Individual:Taking the Impoverished Residents of Guangzhou and Lanzhou as Examples
摘要 个体的社会资本来源问题是一个重要但是仍需进一步讨论的理论问题。在社会交往的机会与限制理论的阶级阶层地位解释的基础上,依据W.J.Wilson的社会孤立论,本文提出了另外一个社会资本来源的解释:社区结构变迁的解释,并通过广州和兰州贫困居民与社区调查数据加以验证。研究证实,仅就贫困居民而言,个体的社会资本主要由其社会阶级结构因素所决定,但是个体居住的社区社会经济结构变迁对个体社会资本差异具有显著的解释意义。因此,社会交往的机会与限制理论和社会孤立论构成了个体社会资本来源的两个互补的理论解释。文章还对中国城市空间生产与社会关系再生产进行了简短讨论。 The source of social capital for the individual is an important issue that needs further discussion. The author argues that social capital for the individual is determined not only by the individual's social class status, as is proposed by the theory of opportunities and constraints of social contacts, but also by the socio-economic structure of the community in which the individual lives, as is proposed by W·J·Wilson's theory of social isolation. The author's argument is supported by a 2004 Urban Poverty Survey involving 716 poor residents in 18 communities in Guangzhou and Lanzhou. The data obtained from this survey demonstrates that, whereas social capital for the individual is mainly determined by the individual's class status, the socio-economic structure of the community in which the individual lives also plays a significant role. In other words, the theory of opportunities and constraints of social contacts and the theory of social isolation both provide effective explanation of the source of social capital for the individual, and the two theories compliment each other. The relationship between the production of urban residential space and the re-production of social relationship is also discussed.
作者 梁柠欣
出处 《开放时代》 CSSCI 2009年第6期70-84,共15页 Open Times
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金规划项目<城市弱势群体的社会福利的理论 政策与实践>(02BSH039) 广州市哲学社会科学基金规划项目<社区发展与城市贫困治理:以广州和兰州为例>(08Y48)的资助
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