韦德迈阿次盆地是阿尔及利亚的主要产油区之一,主产层为三叠系Serie inf组,T1组和T2组,前人对其沉积相的划分存在一定分歧。作者根据钻井、测井及岩心资料,结合前人研究成果,认为该区Serie inf期为辫状河沉积,随后的Eruptive期陆相火山喷发影响了研究区的古地理面貌,在T1,T2和Argileux期转变为曲流河沉积,晚期的S4期为一套盐湖沉积。区域上广泛分布的Eruptive组火山岩和S4组盐湖相沉积分别为下伏河流相储集体提供了稳定的盖层条件。在深入细致的沉积微相分析基础上,分别建立了缓坡型辫状河与高弯度曲流河两种沉积相模式,其中Serieinf组具有Wallker提出的经典辫状河沉积模式,而T1和T2组的曲流河模式与现代密西西比河具有很强的类比性。此二模式对该盆地FTEB区块的储层预测有重要指导意义。
The Oued Mya Basin is one of the main productive fairways and the main production layers are Serie inf Formation, T1 Formation and T2 Formations in Triassic. The previous studies on the classification of sedimentary facies are of major disagreement. According to the comprehensive studies of well logs, cores and previous studies, the authors conclude that the Serie inf period belongs to braided river sedimentation, and the follow-up eruptive rock in the Eruptive period has influenced the paleogeography pattern of the study area. During T1, T2 and Argileux sedimentary periods, the study area changed into meandering river sedimentation, and the later $4 period belongs to salty lake sedimentation. Regionally wide-ranging volcanic rocks of the Eruptive formation and salty lake sedimentation provide the underlying fluvial facies sedimentation with a stable capping formation. Based on the deliberate analysis of microfacies, the gentle-gradient braided river sedimentary model and high-sinuosity meandering river sedimentary model were set up, and the meandering river model which particularly develops point bar deposits has much analogy with the modern Mississippi river. The two models have important directive meaning to reservoir forecasting of FTEB block in Oued Mya Basin.
Journal of Chengdu University of Technology: Science & Technology Edition