

A Contemporary Reflection and Implications of Economics:in the Human-as-Subject Perspective
摘要 对经济学理论适时进行必要的反思始终是这门学科进步的一大动力。从人类主体视角来看,当代西方经济学存在假设狭隘、将人物化等缺陷,导致其对劳动者关注不足,在制定经济政策和调节社会矛盾方面有极大的阶级局限性。就其基本倾向而言,这是一种要物而不要人的经济学。而经典马克思注意政治经济学坚持从人类主体,特别是从普通劳动者立场看待社会经济发展,是人和物兼备的经济学理论。当前,马克思主义政治经济学研究应更加重视从人类自身发展,特别是从每个人自由而全面发展的角度来理解经济发展,实现经济发展和社会发展的统一。 One of the driving forces behind the progress of the discipline of economies is the necessary and timely reflection on economic theories. From the human-as-subject perspective, this paper argues, contemporary western economics is plagued with defects such as nan'ow hypotheses and materialization of humanity. It fails to give due attention to workers and suffers from serious class-based limitations in making economic policies and coordinating social contradictions. Looking into its essential disposition, it is easy to conclude that it is a type of economies focusing on materiality rather than humanity. By contrary, classical Marxist political economy insists on approaching socioeconomic development from the human-as-subject perspective and in particular from the standpoint of ordinary workers. Its theory takes into account both humanity and matcriality. It is argued that contemporary research on Marxist political economy should place more emphasis on the development of humanity, particularly the free and all- round development of each individual, in order to understand and guide economic development and ultimately unify economic development and social development.
作者 朱世陆
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期41-47,共7页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 福建省社会科学规划项目“跨国公司在闽研发机构与本土互动的机制和模式研究”(2008B2079)
关键词 当代西方主流经济学 马克思主义政治经济学 人类主体经济学 minstream contemporary western economics, Marxist political economy, human-as-subject economics
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