关系数据库具有成熟的索引、存储、查询技术,将XML数据存储到关系数据库中将极具意义。但是,XML数据复杂的层次结构和关系数据库扁平的表达结构之间的不匹配,使得在存储过程中出现了很多复杂的问题。从上述应用背景出发,文章提出了一种基于模型映射以及嵌套集合模型(Nested Sets Model)的通用的关系存储模型以及查询算法。通过实验并且分析了在各个查询场景下实验数据的正确性以及性能情况后表明,该中间件能够使XML数据在关系模式中有效存储,并且能够有效地满足查询要求。
It is very meaningful to store the XML document in relational database because of index、storage and query of relational database are well-developed.But many complicated problems appear in the process of storage because of the unmatching between the complicated hierarchical structure of XML document and the flat structure of relational database.Beginning from the background applied above,this paper addresses a general relational schema based on model mapping and Nested Sets Model which is called General Relational XML Model.After analyzing of the validity and performance of the system in various scenes,we can draw the conclusion that the middleware can implements efficient storage for XML document in relational schema and satisfy the querying request.
Microcomputer Applications