
经济经典文献与当代青年了解传统经济思想 被引量:2

On Classic Literature on Economics and Contemporary Youth’s Understanding of Traditional Economic Thought
摘要 经典文献是中国文化最直接的载体,具有鲜明的时代性,体现出"治国安邦、经世致用"精神,对当今社会有启迪作用。文章从商品经济思想、经济伦理思想、经济管理思想、经济改革思想、经济生活思想五个方面,对传统经济思想的主要成分进行讨论,揭示传统经济思想的民族特色,考察传统经济思想的当代价值。在反映出"和谐社会—共同富裕—小康社会"这一共同理想当中,希望能够引起当代青年对经济经典文献的关注。商品经济思想中包含重视商业的因素,《管子》倾向于农末并重。所谓重农抑商,有可能把产业结构属性词语和商德属性词语错误搭配在一起。经济伦理思想中,儒、墨、道、法重视以信义、互利、共利、法制等处理经济关系。"天人合一"就是道德合一。财富观引出划分贫富,富裕观引出勤劳致富。义利观推崇的是诚信、公平。经济管理思想涉及盐铁专卖、钱币官铸私铸等问题。经济改革思想以税收制度为例,延伸到富国富民、整治腐败。经济生活思想以"仓廪实"、"衣食足"来强调解决温饱问题,向往达到儒家提出的"小康"。 Classic literature is the most direct carrier of Chinese culture and it bears distinct features of the times, which reflects the spiritual pursuit of "running the country well and giving the people peace and security, and making academic learning useful in governing the state" and which serves as an enlightenment to our present society. The paper carries out an investigation into the bases of traditional economic thought to unveil the national characteristics of traditional economic thought and to review its contemporary value from such five aspects as commodity economic thought, thought on economic ethics, thought on economic management, thought on economic reform, and thought on economic life. By combing through the common ideals of realizing "a harmonious society--the collective affluence--a well-off society", the paper hopes to draw the attention of contemporary young people to classic literatures on economics. Commodity economic thought tends to prioritize commerce, however, the book Guan Zi argues for equal attention to both agriculture and commerce. The ideology of emphasizing agriculture while restraining the development of commerce may probably lead to the confusion of industrial structure and business ethics. In economic ethics, the Confucian School, the Mohist school, the Taoist school and the Legalist School all upheld such economic relations as good faith, reciprocity, common ground and legal system. The "harmony between man and nature" is tantamount to the internal harmony of moralities. The outlook on wealth educes the differentiation of the rich and the poor; the outlook on being well-off brings out the concept of making a fortune by means of industry; and the outlook on righteousness and profit holds in high esteem the qualities of integrity and fairness. The thought on economic management covers a range of issues such as the monopolization of salt and iron, the official foundry and the private foundry of cash or coins, etc. The thought on economic reform, taking the revenue system as
作者 陈勇勤
出处 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2009年第4期1-7,共7页 Journal of Nanyang Normal University
基金 北京市教育委员会共建项目(36807115) 国家教育部课题(2008JYJ041) 中国人民大学"985工程""中国经济研究哲学社会科学创新基地"资助
关键词 经济经典文献 传统经济思想 古为今用 民族特色 当代青年 classic literature on economics traditional economic thought making the past serve the present national characteristics contemporary youth
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