

Design and Development of Integrated Remote Support Service System Based on Wireless Public Narrowband Network
摘要 介绍了一种基于无线公用窄带网络的IRSS(综合远程支援服务系统)。系统将前方外场采集的视频、语音等多媒体信息通过无线公用窄带网络传到后方中心服务器,使后方专家可以对外场提供同步支援。IRSS采用了多P2P服务单元体系结构,对数据进行了快速运动补偿和DCT(离散余弦变换),对视频编码与视频语音传输控制方式进行优化。IRSS在CDMA(码分多址)、GPRS(通用分组无线电业务)等网络上运行良好,使用便捷,数据安全,图像质量良好。 The Integrated Remote Support Service System (IRSS) allows users to capture video and other multimedia information and deliver over wireless networks. By means of IRSS, experts can support people working on remote test field. In this paper, we present the architecture of IRSS, including transport mechanisms, security mechanisms, and multiple P2P service units. The multiple P2P service unit architecture meets the requirements of IRSS and allows IRSS to be scalable. We also describe an efficient video coding of software and transport control in IRSS. IRSS not only runs in the mode of real-time video but also in another mode of near real-time packed video. The latter operation mode ensures high-quality video delivery over narrow bandwidth wireless networks such as GPRS and CDMA.
出处 《信息化研究》 2009年第5期35-38,共4页 INFORMATIZATION RESEARCH
关键词 无线公用窄带网络 远程支援 IRSS wireless public narrowband network remote support IRSS
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