Objective To characterize computed tomographic(CT) findings of thoracic actinomycosis. Methods Chest CT scans obtained in 4 patients with histopathologically proved thoracic actinomycosis in the Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital from January 1995 to March 2008 were retrospectively analyzed and the related literatures were reviewed. Results Four cases was confirmed by CT-guided fine needle aspiration(2 cases) and biopsy with bronchoscope (2 cases). According to clinical data and imaging features, one was diagnosed as bronchial actinomycosis, three were diagnosed as pulmonary actinomycosis. The CT features of those three cases demonstrated the existence of common characteristics: soft tissue density mass, multiple lesions (three cases); visible hronchiectasis (two cases); contrast-enhanced CT image shows segmental consolidation containing central areas; cases), mediastinal and hilar lymphadenectasis (3 cases). Conclusion The typical CT feature of parenchymal actinomycosis is chronic segmental air-space consolidation containing necrotic low-attenuation areas with frequent cavity formation, adjacent pleural thickening, mediastinal and hilar lymphadenectasis. Thoracic actinomycosis is a kind of relative infrequent disease and easily misdiagnosed.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News