对氧氟沙星(OFLX)以及Mn2+与OFLX配合物的紫外-可见光谱及荧光光谱进行研究,发现OFLX在pH为5.1时,其最大激发波长293 nm,最大发射波长497 nm,且随溶液pH的改变,最大激发和发射峰位也发生变化.采用摩尔比法测定Mn2+与OFLX形成1∶2的配合物(pH=9.0),稳定常数为1.37×1011.pH值对Mn2+与OFLX配合物的荧光光谱强度的影响研究表明:配合物的荧光强度在酸性溶液中较强,中性溶液中最强,碱性中最弱;OFLX与Mn2+形成配合物的荧光显著增强且发射峰产生蓝移(约15 nm),随着Mn2+数量的增加,荧光猝灭越来越弱;在OFLX与Mn2+的配合物中,可能是相距较近的羧基和羰基基团与中心离子Mn2+配位,并对配合物的空间结构进行了预测.
The UV-vis absorption spectrum and the fluorescence spectrum of Ofloxacin and Mn(Ⅱ)-Ofloxacin complexes was investigated. When the pH was 5.1, the maximal excitation wavelength and maximal emission wavelength were 293 nm and 497 nm, respectively. In addition, with the variety of pH value of the solution, the maximal wavelength of excitation and emission also changed. Mn2+ Coordinated Ofloxacin with the ratio of 1:2(pH=9.0) and the stability constant was 1.37 × 10^11, which was measured by the molar ratio method. The effect of different pH on the fluorescence spectral intensity of Mn(Ⅱ)-Ofloxacin complexes indicated that the fluorescence intensity is strong in acidic medium, strongest in around neutral medium and least in alkali medium. The fluores- cence emission peak of complexes between Mn2+ and Ofloxacin significantly increased and a blue-shifted occurred about 15 nm at the same time. With the addition of Mn2+, the quencher became weaker. Coordination probably occurred among the central Mn2+ and vicinal earboxyl group and Carbonyl group. The Spatial Structure was predicted.
Journal of Shantou University:Natural Science Edition