
地面激光扫描系统在矿区构筑物变形监测中的应用研究 被引量:5

The Research on the Application of Terrestrial Laser Scanning System(TLSS) in the Structures' Deformation Monitoring in the Mining Area
摘要 阐述了三维激光扫描技术的优势和发展现状,通过分析矿区构筑物变形监测的特点,提出三维激光扫描仪、全站仪和GPS协同作业的监测方案,并具体介绍了三维数据的处理过程。以矿区栈道的支撑结构为待测目标,对监测方案的可行性进行了测试。分析得出三维激光扫描仪在近距离和高分辨率扫描观测上有一定的优势,可用于矿区构筑物变形监测。 This paper expounds the superiorities and the present development of the three-dimensional laser scan technology, and through analyzing the characteristics of the deformation monitoring of the structures in mining area, puts forward the monitoring program of the coordinative operation of three-dimensional laser scanner, total station and GPS, and introduces the processing procedures of three-dimensional data; and taking the bracing structure of the viaduct in the mining area as the testing goal, tests the feasibility of the monitoring program, and points out that the three-dimensional laser scanner, which has certain superiorities in the close range and high-resolution scanning observation, can be used in the deformation monitoring of the structures in mining area.
作者 陈永剑 张锦
出处 《科技情报开发与经济》 2009年第12期106-108,共3页 Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy
关键词 变形监测 三维激光扫描 构筑物 deformation monitoring three-dimensional laser scanning structure
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