演说是在公众面前就某一问题发表自己见解的口头语言活动,是在一定的社会活动之下产生的并由词汇、语法去实现的语篇。语篇成为话语分析的重要研究对象,运用语言学理论对语篇进行文体分析也迅速得以发展。通过运用Halliday的三大元功能之一的语篇功能理论和Martin与Rose的格律论,对Winston Churchill的著名演说词Blood,Toil,Tears and Sweat进行文体分析,其目的在于展现该演说词乃至一般演说词所共有的文体风格。
Speech is an oral language activity in which the speaker expounds cn a certain issue in public. It is a text that is produced in a certain social activity and is realized by lexical and grammatical devices. The stylistic analysis of a text with linguistic theories has been greatly developed. This paper makes a stylistic analysis of a famous speech Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat given by Winston Churchill with two theories textual function, one of Halliday's three meta-functions and textual periodicity based on Halliday' SFG by Martin and Rose. It aims to present the textual style of Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat and the speeches in general to the readers by analyzing the textual function and the textual periodicity of the speech level by level and by the integration of the microscopie and macroscopic views.
Journal of Nanchang Institute of Technology