The combination of D 2 type cytoplasm and certain nucleus can cause wheat to be sensitive to long-day condition(≥15 hours)with the expression of pistillody of stamens and pollen abortion. Observation of tranverse sections using the scanning eletron microscope revealed that pistillate stamens contained ovule-like structures but had no ovule tissue、 tapetal cells and pollen grains. Comparison was made using unidirectional SDS-PAGE technique among soluble proteins of chloroplast、 mitochondria and cytoplasm derived from wheat (c)-N26(D 2type cytoplasm) and wheat N26(B type cytoplasm, the same nucleric genome). The SDS-PAGE maps of soluble proteins of chlorplast、 mitochondria and cytoplasm derived from (c)-N26 under a short-day condition(≤14.5hours)showed no difference to that of N26 under a long-day condition.But there were distinct differences between SDS-PAGE maps of (c)-N26 cultured on the long-day condition and short-day condition respectively. The trends is the reduction of proteins. So it can be infered from the facts above that on the long-day condition pistillody of stamens in D 2 PCMS line is probably relation to repression of genes expression in nuclei、chloroplast and mitochondria.
Bulletin of Botanical Research