目前人们对于起重机性能要求越来越高,不仅要求起重机运行速度快,作业效率高,而且要求起重机重量轻、刚性好、作业空间大。本文采用有限元分析软件A lgor对一种新设计的C型龙门起重机金属结构进行了静力学和动力学分析计算,通过分析发现了原设计中存在的不足并给予了改进,保证了设备的安全性和合理性。
Now people asking for cranes capability are more and more exigent. People desire the crane not only has a high speed of the dolly and the cart, high operating efficiency, but .also has a light weight, strong stiffness, big working space. In this paper a software of finite element a- nalysis-Algor is used to analyze and calcmate the metal construction of C type frame crane. Through analysis the lacking in the design is found and improved.
Journal of Hunan Industry Polytechnic