介绍一种应用于井下低压电网的新型智能保护装置,重点分析了智能保护装置的工作原理。该装置以嵌入式芯片ARM LPC2292处理器为核心,能自动判断漏电、短路等故障,同时可以完成保护参数值的设定、故障检查等,具有RS-485通讯接口实现了装置和上位机之间的数据通讯,可快速了解设备运行状态及可能存在的故障隐患,提高煤矿供电系统的安全可靠性。
A kind of new type intelligent protective device used on underground low -voltage distribution networks is introduced, also introduces the principle of the device. The device is based on embedded ARM microprocessor LPC2292. Electrical faults such as earth leakage, short circuit can be automatically detected, and such several functions as settlement of different protection parameter value, fault checking etc can be finished. The long distance data can be exchanged between measuement and upper- seat PC by RS -485 serial communication interface. The running state of the equipment and a possible failure can be quickly observed. Therefore, it can improve the reliability of coal mine power distribution system.
Coal Mine Machinery