简单介绍了嵌入式Internet的发展及嵌入式在Web服务器中的应用前景,通过对SOPC技术的技术特点的研究,探讨SOPC技术在嵌入式Web服务器中的应用。对其在软件和硬件两方面的实现作了详细论述。主控制器使用Nios II软核处理器,平台为实时多任务操作系统uC/OS-II,以简化的TCP/IP协议LwIP为应用层通信协议。该设计的优点有集成度高、可重构、设计灵活、实现风险低、开发周期短等。
Briefly introduced the development of Embewdded Intemet, and the application prospect of embedded technologs in WebServer .By the research on SOPC technologs features, we discussed its using in Embedded WebServer, and detailedly discussed its implementation in terms of hardware and software, thereinto uses soft intellectual property processor as primary controUer, realtime multitasks operating system uC/OSII as running platform of application software, and simplified wansmission control protocol/Inte protocol(TCP/IP) lightweight IP as communication protocol of application layer. So it has many advantages of optimum scale integration recortfiguration,flexible design, low risk of implementation and short period of development.
Automation & Instrumentation