
高职医学生口腔健康知识及行为调查 被引量:2

A Survey on Knowledge and Behavior of Oral Health of Higher Vocational School of Medical Students
摘要 目的了解高职医学生口腔健康知识和行为的状况,为学校口腔健康教育计划提供依据。方法采用第3次全国口腔健康流行病学调查方案统一问卷,对912名高职医学生进行口腔健康知识及行为问卷调查。结果53.6%的学生每天刷牙2次,6.6%的学生每次刷牙时间达到3min以上,28.2%的学生采用竖刷法,4.9%的学生使用过牙线;学生主要通过电视(42.6%)和书本(31.8%)获得口腔健康知识,53.6%的学生不常吃零食;85.3%的学生经常食用蔬菜;牙病需就医、甜食对牙齿有害、刷牙可预防蛀牙的正确认识率高,达85.6%~95.8%;而对刷牙方法、窝沟封闭、水中加氟、牙线、牙龈出血该就诊及牙周病主要病因的正确认识率低,为5.6%~21.6%。结论高职医学生的口腔健康知识和行为状况不容乐观,应加强口腔健康教育,促进口腔健康知识的普及。 Objective To investigate the oral health knowledge and behavior of medical students,and to provide base-line information for oral health care. Method The table and the standard on oral health survey authorized by WHO were employed in this study,a closing questionnaire survey was conducted among 912 students. Resuits Only 53.6%student brush teeth twice per day,6.6%student brush teeth over 3 minutes,28.2%student insist in brush vertical law, and only 4.9 % student had applied dental floss; 53.6 % student do not often take snack food;School of Medical Science, Primarily through television (42.6%) and books (31. 8%) access to oral health knowledge;The awareness rate of dental diseases required to see a doctor, sweet food harm to teeth and tooth-brushing able to prevent tooth from decay is high (from 85.6% to 95.8% ) ; While that of brushing method, fissure sealing, dental floss, gingival bleeding required to see a doctor and main causes of periodontal diseases is low (from 5.6% to 21.6%). Conclusion The situation of oral health knowledge and behavior of higher Vocational medical students is not optimistic. Oral health education should be strengthened in order to promote the popularization of oral health knowledge.
出处 《保健医学研究与实践》 2009年第2期7-8,15,共3页 Health Medicine Research and Practice
关键词 高职医学生 口腔健康 调查 行为 Higher vocational medical stuclents Oral health Survey Behavior
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