目的探讨艾滋病病毒1型B′亚型(HI V-1 B′)慢性感染人群连续两年血浆中和能力的变化,及其与疾病进展的关系。方法通过对两年前后127例HI V-1 B′亚型感染者进行CD4和病毒载量(VL)的检测,采用基于TZM-b1细胞的中和实验方法,检测感染者血浆分别针对HI V-1临床分离株1597和实验室适应株SF33两种病毒的中和能力。通过分析中和50%病毒进入细胞的血浆浓度(EC50)与CD4计数和VL的相关性,阐明血浆中和水平与疾病进展的关系。结果2005年和2007年CD4分别为(454±131)个/μl和(440±182)个/μl(t=1.02,P=0.309),VL(log10)分别为(4.03±0.89)拷贝/ml和(4.21±0.89)拷贝/ml(t=2.72,P=0.008);血浆对1 597株有中和活性的分别有91例(71.65)和75例(66.93%),其EC50分别为(65.15±0.51)和(55.59±0.59)(t=1.16,P=0.248);对SF33株有中和活性的分别有108例(85.04%)和101例(85.04%),其EC50为(205.65±0.52)和(139±0.47)(t=3.57,P<0.001)。聚类分析显示,EC50与VL的关联性较强,但EC50的变化与VL的变化的相关性没有统计学意义(SF33∶r=0.07,P=0.41;1597∶r=0.12,P=0.18)。结论从2005年到2007年,慢性HI V-1B′亚型感染者的VL显著升高,尽管对病毒的中和水平降低,但血浆中和水平的降低与VL的升高没有直接的相关性。
Objective To study association of disease progression with neutralizing activity of plasma among 127 chronic HIV-1B′ infected former blood donors in Anhui province. Mechods The viral load(VL)and CD4 count were tested in 2005 and 2007 respectively, and the neutralizing activity of plasma against primary virus strain(1597) and labadapted strain(SF33)was also detected by using Luciferase assay system based on TZM- bl cell line. The plasma concentration of inhibiting 50 % of viruses to enter cells was expressed as EC50. The relation between EC50 and CD4 count or VL was analyzed respectively. Results The CD4 count was 454 ± 131 in 2005 and 440 ± 182 in 2007(t = 1.02,P = 0. 309), while the VL.(log10)was 4.03c/ml± 0,89 in 2005 and 4.21c/ml ± 0.89 in 2007(t = .272,P= 0.008).Out of the 127 cases under study, 91 (71.65 % )and 75(66.93 % )in their plasma had neutralizing activity against 1597 in 2005 and 2007, respectively while 108 (85.04%)and 101 in their plasma had neutralizing activity against SF 33 in the two respective years. EC50 against SF33 fell down from 205.65 ± 0.52 in 2005 to 139 ± 0.47 in 2007(t=3.56,P〈0.001),but EC50 against 1597 fell down only slightly from 65.15 ± 0.51 in 2005 to 55.59 ± 0.59 in 2007 (t = 1.16, P = 0. 248). Correlation analysis showed no significant correlation between falling EC50 and VL(SF33 : r = 0.07, P = 0.41 ; 1597 : r = 0.12, P = 0.18), although neutralizing activity had closer relationship with VL analyzed by the varcluster analysis. Conclusion From 2005 to 2007, plasma VL of the 127 chronic HIV-1B′ infected individuals showed significant rise, while the neutralizing activity against SF33 fell down. However, there was no statistical correlation between the decreasing EC50 and increasing VL.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD