本文以紫外分光光度法(UV)、差示扫描量热法(DSC)、液质联用(HPLC-ESI-MS)等方法分析合成的水飞蓟宾葡甲胺的结构,并测定了其在25℃水中的溶解度。结果表明,水飞蓟宾葡甲胺以盐的形式存在,有别于水飞蓟宾与葡甲胺的简单混合。水飞蓟宾葡甲胺在酸性流动相溶液中容易解离成水飞蓟宾与葡甲胺,水飞蓟宾的物理化学性质没有改变,因此,HPLC法分析水飞蓟宾葡甲胺有局限性,DSC法分析可以作为水飞蓟宾葡甲胺质量的参考依据。水飞蓟宾的溶解度为37.350 mg/L,水飞蓟宾葡甲胺的溶解度为7182.50 mg/L,水飞蓟宾葡甲胺明显改善了水飞蓟宾在水中的溶解性能。
The structure of synthesized Silybin-N-Meglumine was studied by UV, DSC, HPLC-ESI-MS. The equilibrium solubility of Silybin-N-Meglumine in water at 25 ℃ was measured. It was shown that Silybin-N-Meglumine exists in form of salt, which is different from simple mixture. Silybin-N-Meglumine can be easily decomposed into silybin and meglumine in acidic flow solutions, and the properties of silybin are not changed. Therefore, the DSC can be used for a reference basis to evaluate the quality of Silybin-N-Meglumine because the HPLC has a limitation to study Silybin-N-Meglumine. The equilibrium solubility of silybin and Silybin-N-Meglumine in water were respectively 37. 350 and 7182.50 mg/L at 25 ℃. The solubility of silybin in water can be improved significantly via Silvbin-N-Meglumine.
Natural Product Research and Development