目的探讨自动听觉脑干诱发电位技术(automatic auditory brainstem response,AABR)应用于新生儿听力普遍筛查的可行性及效果,总结应用该技术的护理要点。方法采用美国NATUS公司生产的ALGO3i快速脑干诱发电位筛查仪,运用自动听觉脑干诱发电位技术对2 368例新生儿在出生48 h后至出院前进行听力初筛,初筛未通过者,在出生后42 d进行复筛,如仍未通过,则转至广州市儿童医院新生儿听力筛查中心行诊断性测定。结果2 368例筛查对象中初筛通过2 195例,需要复筛173例,实际复筛133例,复筛通过119例,新生儿先天性听力损失在筛查儿中发病率为2.53‰、转诊率5.91‰、假阳性率0.12%、暂未出现假阴性。结论AABR具有快速、方便、安全、敏感性和特异性高、低转诊率等优点,能及早发现新生儿听力损失,是一种较为理想的新生儿听力筛查方法。筛查时注重采取相应护理措施,以提高筛查覆盖率,降低初筛假阳性率,并做好筛查质量监控。
Objective To explore the applicability and effect of automatic auditory brainstem response(AABR) in hearing screening for neonates, and the key points of the nursing care for the application of this technique. Methods By using ALGO3i by NATUS of the States, initial AABR hearing screenings were conducted with2 368 neonates between 48 hours after the birth and before the discharge. Those who did not pass the initial screening were re-screened on the 42nd day after birth, and if still failing, were transferred to the Neonate Hearing Screening Center, Guangzhou Municipal Children's Hospital for diagnostic tests. Results Of the 2 368 newborns, 2 195 passed the initial screening. And of the 173 ones who needed re-screening, 133 were re-screened, among whom 119 passed. The rate of those suffering congenital hearing loss accounted for 2.53%o, the false positive rate was 0.12%, and none was revealed to be false negative. The transference rate was 5.91%o. Conclusion AABR, characterized by quickness, convenience, security and high specificity of screening, involving low rate of transference, can detect hearing loss in neonates at the earliest possible time, and therefore offers an ideal way of hearing screening for newborns. In doing the screening, effective nursing care should be provided and the strict quality control should be ensured to increase the screening coverage rate and lower the rate of falsehood.
Journal of Nursing(China)
hearing screening
automatic auditory brainstem response(AABR)