目的探讨DR Is在评价学龄儿童膳食营养现状中的应用,为进一步采取膳食干预措施提供依据。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法,在唐山市2所小学选取各年级小学生634名,采用5 d膳食调查和食物摄取频率调查结合的方法进行调查,对结果用DR Is进行评价。结果学龄儿童脂肪能量来源较高,碳水化合物能量来源偏低;晚餐能量偏低,零食供能约占20%。烟酸、硒摄入充足的占85%以上;蛋白质摄入充足的占50%,但来源较好。视黄醇、核黄素、抗坏血酸、硫胺素和锌摄入不足的分别占34%,31%,21%,15%和59%,处于不足和充足之间的分别占14%,15%,27%,28%和56%。钙平均摄入量远低于AI,有30.9%的儿童钙摄入量低于AI的半数;79.7%的儿童总铁摄入量达到了AI,但来源较差。结论应合理解释膳食摄入资料,积极改善学龄儿童的膳食结构。
Objective To explore the application of DRIs in dietary nutrition evaluation among school-aged children, and to provide bases for the further dietary intervention. Methods By using the stratified cluster sampling method, 634 pupils from 1 - 6 grades were chosen. Their five days diet and one month food frequency were investigated and assessed with DRIs. Results The average energy was higher from fat and lower from carbohydrate. The partition of energy from the food between meals was 20%. Students with sufficient intake of niacin and selenium exceeded 85%, that of protein was 50%, and the source was better. The rates of inadequate intakes on retinol, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, thiamin, zinc were 34% ,31%, 21%, 15% and 59%, the rates of between inadequate and adequate were respectively 14%, 15%, 27%, 28% and 56%. The average calcium intake was low, and 30.9% students had lower intake than half of AI. About 79.7 % childrern's iron intake met AI, but the source was bad. Conclusion It is essential to evaluate dietary data rationally and improve dietary pattern of children.
Chinese Journal of School Health