
高速混合制粒机制粒过程 被引量:2

Granulation process of high shear granulator
摘要 应用高速混合制粒机对湿法制粒过程进行了研究。单因素实验结果表明,混合时间对混合均匀度影响较明显,混合时间过长,将出现混合均匀度下降的现象;随黏合剂质量分数增加大颗粒增加,小颗粒减少,颗粒度有所增加;剪切桨转速变化对粒度分布的影响较小;搅拌桨转速变化对粒度分布的影响较明显,随着搅拌桨转速的增大,目数大于20目与小于100目的颗粒都有明显减少的效果。 The granulation process was inv estigated by using high shear granulator. The single influence factor experiments show that the mixing time has an obvious influence on the mixing uniformity, and overlong mixing time leads to the decrease of mixing uniformity ; higher bond mass fraction leads to the increase of the big granular size, the decrease of the small ones and slight increase of granular size; the chopper speed has less influence on the granular distribution; the impeller speed has an obvious influence on the granular distribution, and both of the above 20 mesh granular and below 100 mesh ones will decrease with adding of the impellor chopper speed.
出处 《化学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期35-37,共3页 Chemical Engineering(China)
基金 天津市科技计划项目(07ZCZDGX19600)
关键词 高速混合制粒机 混合均匀度 黏合剂质量分数 剪切桨转速 搅拌桨转速 high shear granulator mixing uniformity bond mass fraction chopper speed impellor speed
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