220 kV交联聚乙烯高压电缆在城市输电线路或者电厂建设工程中大多进行电缆沟敷设,但在电厂建设中进行隧道敷设,并且有多条线路同路径、多个转向的情况却并不多。由于要确保高压电缆敷设的安全性以及各项技术要求,施工及其组织的难度非常大,本文介绍了黄石西塞山电厂一期工程220 kV电缆隧道敷设项目成功案例,希望对广大同仁有借鉴作用。
220 kV XLPE cables for urban T & D lines or power plant construction are mostly installed in cable trenches. It is not a frequent occurrence that multi-cable lines for power plant construction are installed in a tunnel with several changes of direction. In this case it is very difficult to organize and carry out the installation work because it should be ensured that the safety and technical requirements for the cable installation are met. This paper presents a successful case, in which 220 kV XLPE cables were installed in a tunnel for Huangshi-Xisaishan Power Plant in the first-stage construction, in a view to provide a source of reference for people in the same business.
Wire & Cable