Associted gold appears mainly a independent mineral,natural gold ore and associted silver appears a independent silver mineral,acanthite etc.are two main typies of associted minerals. Paragenetic gold and silver ores which is median sized and distributed in ore block of Pingsh- antou are closely related to oxidized and mixed ores ores in upper orebodies,and are genetic- ally connected with lead-zinc ores.Paragenetic gold and silver ores which have met the needs for industrial grade can be used as a independent mineral.Associted or paragenetic gold and silver ores have an important geoeconomic value.According to 77.8%of the present recovery, 54.88% of reclamation rate,associted and paragenetic ores can reach a value of 900m Yuan. The ore dressing recovery in mine shows that the output value of associted silver ore make up 53% of the totally output value of lead-zinc ores.
Jiangsu Geology