火灾荷载是判断建筑室内火灾危险程度的依据,也是性能化防火设计中设计火灾的重要内容。调查了在廊坊、长治、郑州及天津四个城市的零售类商业店铺火灾荷载情况,调查的对象包括快餐店、服装店、鞋店等商业零售店铺。针对这些店铺常见的可燃物形式,确定了5种可燃物,分析它们在总火灾荷载中的比重。共计调查了117家商业店铺,总面积4 095m2,面积最小为2.5m2,最大为185m2。这117家店铺的火灾荷载密度与样本数之间具有对数正态分布,调查得到的所有店铺火灾荷载密度平均值为1 230MJ/m2,最大值6 813.4MJ/m2,最小值92MJ/m2,标准偏差1 240.5MJ/m2。
A fire load is a determinative factor in fire risk assessment, and it is also an important content in designing fires. This paper presents the results of a survey conducted in the cities of Langfang, Changzhi, Zhengzhou and Tianjin to characterize fire loads in commercial premises. The survey includes various commercial establishments such as restaurants, clothing stores, shoe stores and etc. Five different types of combustible material groups collected are analyzed to determine the total fire load. A total of 117 commercial premises are surveyed with a total floor area of 4 095m^2. The area of the surveyed stores ranged from 2.5m^2 to 185m^2. The fire load densities of the 117 stores had a lognormal distribution with a mean value of 1 230MJ/m^2 square kilometers, a maximum value of 6 813.4MJ/m^2 a minimum value of 92MJ/m^2 and a standard deviation of 1 240.5MJ/m^2.
Journal of the Armed Police Academy