糖尿病是影响全球性公共健康的主要疾病,根据世界卫生组织的报道,2010年全球糖尿病患者将达到2.21亿。目前,我国糖尿病患者已超过4 000万,且每年新增约120万。糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)是糖尿病患者的严重并发症之一,也是成年糖尿病患者致盲的首要原因。在糖尿病患者中45%~58%伴有不同程度的DR,随着糖尿病患者病程的延长,DR的患病率逐年增加,致盲率也逐年升高。DR的早期筛查是减少糖尿病患者视觉残疾的关键环节,建立国际上统一的、眼科同行广泛认可的DR严重程度分类标准,以及早期筛查、定期检查和病情评估制度,有助于科学评估DR的进展过程。只有通过以循证医学为指导的临床研究及选择合理的治疗方法,才能使DR的早期筛查、定期检查、随访和治疗趋于合理,真正降低糖尿病患者的致盲率。早期发现、准确评估DR,在循证医学指导下选择合理的治疗方案,是防治DR,阻止或逆转糖尿病盲的首要任务,也是眼科医生的重要责任。
Diabetic mellitus affects the global public health. World Health Organization (WHO) predicted the number of diabetic patients in the world will reach 221 million in 2010. In China, there are over 40 million diabetic patients at present, and the number of diabetic patients grows about 1.2 million each year. Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most severe complications in diabetic patients, and it is also a leading cause of acquired blindness among the adults. Approximately 45% to 58% of diabetic patients have different degree of diabetic retinopathy, and the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy is increasing year by year in pace with the prolongation of the course of diabetic mellitus. Regular screening for early stage diabetic retinopathy is an important means to decrease the visual loss in diabetic patients, there- fore, it is inperative to establish a unified international classification for the severity degrees of diabetic retinopathy which would be widely accepted by ophthalmologists all over the world, and a system for early screening, periodic inspection and assessment of patient's conditions. In this way, ophthalmologists can evaluate the progression of diabetic retinopathy scientifically. Through clinical studies under the guidance of the evidence-based medicine, and by selecting the reasonable therapeutic regimens, early screening, periodic inspection, followup and treatments would become rational, and blindness rate would be lowered in diabetic patients. Therefore, early discovery and accurate evaluation of diabetic retinopathy, with timely selection of rational therapeutic regimens under the guidance of evidence-based medicine are the primary tasks to prevent and cure diabetic retinopathy, and to avert or revert diabetic blindness, and also important responsibilities of ophthalmologists.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army