
基于混合能耗机制的无线传感器网络分簇算法 被引量:16

Hybrid energy consumption mechanism based clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks
摘要 无线传感器网络寿命受节点电池供能的限制,为提高网络生存寿命,提出一种采用簇间平衡能耗和簇内不平衡能耗的混合能耗机制的分簇算法。基于簇间能耗平衡机制,优化单跳距离和分簇角,使同扇区内靠近基站的簇规模小于远离基站的簇规模,降低了同扇区簇间的通信能耗。此外,每个簇内采用不平衡能耗机制,即簇头连续担任本地控制中心直至其能量即将耗尽才被候选簇头替代,降低簇头更换频率和用于建立新簇头所需能耗。仿真和实验结果表明,该分簇算法能有效降低广播能耗并延长网络寿命。 To prolong the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSN) that is restrained by battery-powered nodes, a novel clustering algorithm with hybrid energy consumption mechanism is presented, which includes balancing energy consumption in inter-cluster and unbalancing energy consumption in intra-cluster. Based on the balancing energy consumption through controlling one-hop distance and clustering angle in same sector, the sizes of clusters closer to the base station are smaller than those farther away from the base station, and then the energy consumption in inter- cluster can be reduced. Besides, unbalanced energy consumption mechanism is that the cluster head acts continuously as local control center and will not be replaced by the candidate cluster head until its energy supply is almost exhausted, which lessens the frequency of updating cluster head, so the energy consumption for establishing new cluster head in each cluster will be reduced. Simulation and experiment results demonstrate that the clustering algorithm can effectively reduce energy consumption for broadcasting message and prolong the system lifetime.
出处 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期673-678,共6页 Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument
基金 国家973项目(2007CB311005) 国家教育部博士点基金(20060611010)资助项目
关键词 无线传感器网络 寿命 不平衡能耗 混合能耗 分簇算法 单跳距离 分簇角 wireless sensor network lifetime unbalanced energy consumption hybrid energy consumption clustering algorithm one-hop distance clustering angle
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