Suspension array, microarray and real-time quantitative PCR have been important tools for genetic sequences characteristic, especially for pathogen detection and identification. Suspension arrays offer the potential for simultaneous detection of many pathogens that are interest in biosecurity, public health, and veterinary diagnostics. It is best suited for detecting the presence or absence of unknown pathogen and environment monitoring. Microarray will be a powerful tool for the rapid screening of thousands of possible pathogens, but drawback of large sample question makes current routine use impossible. Real-time PCR are rapid and the most sensitive methods for determination of whether a given pathogen is present. However, because of limitation of fluorescence, it is unfeasible for large-scale use. Three basic strategies have been described for pathogen detection based on suspension array: multiplex PCR amplification, universal primers amplification and directing hybridization of RNA. Multiplex PCR has the advantage of a high specificity, but associated suspension arrays are limited in scope. Universal primers are capable of high sensitivity and amplification of all bacteria, but has disadvantage of cross-reaction. Moreover, PCR-dependent method is poorly suited for determining pathogen quantity and viability. Direct hybridization of RNA provides the least bias in gene detection, but also the lowest level of assay sensitivity. Ultimately, validation and high-throughput sample preparation will continue to be significant challenges for these detection systems.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine