Objective To provide research means for study of buccal cavity vitodynamics and design of optimized dental prosthetic restoration and prosthesis, give model for virtual surgery effectiveness analysis of the varied mandible surgery program. Methods A middle-aged man with normotrophic temporomandibular system was chosen and 123 widths of two- dimensional CT scan images were obtained through scanning his mandible by spiral CT scanner. The precise shaped mandible CAD mode was established through surface fitting by CATIA of three-dimensional spot-cloud transformed from two-dimensional CT images by image processing software, and the finite element model required for mandible surgery program was established by MSC. Patran. Results The full dentition mandible CAD models and three-dimensional finite element models were estabhshed. Conclusion The normal three-dimensional finite element mandible model can really reflect the geometrical feature of mandible and has good similarity to physical mandible and it can be used as a research means for biomechanical studies. The model can be also provided pre-operative designed quantitative method for the variety of mandible surgeries.
Chinese Medical Equipment Journal