
滴灌条件下土壤基质势与打顶措施对番茄生长和水分利用的影响 被引量:11

Effects of Soil Matric Potential and Topping on Tomato Growth and Water Use Efficiency under Drip Irrigation
摘要 研究了华北半湿润地区滴灌条件下,打顶与不打顶农艺措施以及不同土壤基质势(滴头正下方0.2 m深度处土壤基质势下限控制在-10^-50 kPa)对番茄生长和水分利用效率的影响。研究发现,与打顶农艺措施相比,不打顶条件下番茄的平均株高、生育期累计灌水量和追肥量都相对较高,而产量和灌溉水利用效率却较低。二种农艺管理措施下,随着滴头正下方0.2 m深度处土壤基质势控制的降低,番茄整个生育期的灌水量、累计耗水量明显降低,而水分利用效率和灌溉水利用效率明显升高。由此可知,在我国华北半湿润地区露地栽培条件下,打顶农艺管理措施更有利于番茄的高产和水分利用效率的提高,并且滴灌条件下在番茄安全缓苗后,可以通过控制滴头正下方0.2 m深度处土壤基质势在-50 kPa以上来指导灌溉。 An experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of topping (topping and non-topping) and soil matric potential (soil matric potential at 0.2 m depth immediately under drip emitters controlled from -10 to -50 kPa. ) on tomato growth and water use efficiency under drip irrigation in semi-humid areas of north China. The results indicated that compared to topping tomatoes, the plant height, seasonal irrigation amount and fertilization amount for non-topping tomatoes were relatively high, but yield and irrigation water use efficiency of non-topping tomatoes were relatively low. For both topping and non-topping treatments, with the decreasing of soil matrie potential, tomato seasonal irrigation amount and water use decreased, water use efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency increased obviously. So in semi-humid regions of north China, for field-grown tomatoes, topping is resulted in relatively high yield and high water use efficiency. Furthermore, after tomato seedling stage, it can be used to schedule irrigation with controlling the soil matric potential at 0.2 m depth immediately under drip emitters above --50 kPa.
出处 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期1-4,33,共5页 Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
基金 北京市科技计划课题(D0706007040191-06) 国家科技支撑计划课题(2006BAD11B02-03) 中国科学院百人计划
关键词 滴灌 番茄 打顶 土壤基质势 生长 水分利用效率 drip irrigation tomato topping soil matric potential growth water use efficiency
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