
序信息系统中基于粗糙熵的不确定性度量 被引量:2

Uncertainty Measures Based on Rough Entropy in Ordered Information Systems
摘要 在序信息系统中引入知识粗糙熵和粗集粗糙熵两个不确定性度量的概念,本文得到了它们的有关性质,证明了这两个度量都随着知识确定程度增强而单调下降的结论,从而给出序信息系统的信息解释;并进一步通过讨论它们之间的联系说明粗集的粗糙熵可以更精确地度量粗糙集的粗糙程度。这些结论为序信息系统的知识发现奠定了一定的理论基础。 In this paper, we introduced the definitions of rough entropy of knowledge and rough sets in ordered information systems, and obtained some important conclusions about them. We proved that rough entropy of knowledge and rough sets decreased monotonously as granularity of information became finer by which we acquired a deeply understanding of ordered information systems. Morover, we found that rough entropy of rough sets had a new and more accurate uncertainty measure in ordered information systems, which would be beneficial to the next research work of ordered information systems.
出处 《工程数学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期283-289,共7页 Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics
关键词 粗糙集 序信息系统 知识粗糙熵 粗糙度 粗集粗糙熵 rough set ordered information systems knowledge rough entropy rough degree rough entropy
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