Objective: To detect the 21 - trisomy syndrome and hererosome numerical abnormality disease using quanti- tative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (QF- PCR), and to set a rapid and reliable detection for chromosomal ab- normality disease based on the optimization of multiple QF -PCR. Methods: Specific primers were designed and synthesized according to the 3 STR sites (D21S1435, D21Sll and D21 S1411 ) on chromosome 21,2 STR sites ( DXS981 and DXS6809 ) on chromosome X, the STR site (X22) co -located on chromosome X and Y, and the gender specific site AMXY. And the primers were labelled (5'end) with a fluorescent dye ( FAM or HEX). DNA samples were extracted from peripheral blood of 202 cases and amplified using QF - PCR, and then the amplification products were analyzed by ABI 310 sequenator and evaluated under the international unified standard. Re- suits: QF -PCR analysis showed that 97 out of 202 cases were identified as trisomy -21, and 62 cases as heterosome abnor- mality, among which the diagnosis of 96 cases with trisomy -21 (including a case of translocation and a case of mosaicism) and 56 cases with heterosome abnormality were coincident with chromosome karyotype analysis. The sensitivity and specificity of QF - PCR in the detection of 21 - trisomy syndrome and heterosome abnormality were (90.3%, 98% ) and (96%, 99. 1% ), respectively. Conclusion: The diagnosis using QF - PCR or chromosome karyotype analysis show high concordance. And the application of QF - PCR in prenatal diagnosis will make higher practical values and better market prospects for its high sensitivity and strong specificity.
Chinese Journal of Family Planning