Temperature field and its variation with time are necessary for analyzing the thermo-mechanical performance of mass concrete structures at their early ages. This paper carries out a temperature field simulation analysis for an original segment of a real box girder bridge with the finite element software ANSYS. Two representative exothermic rate models are used to describe the heat- releasing process caused by the cement hydration in concrete. The exothermic rate model that conforms to reality more closely is recognized by comparing the simulation results with the data gathered from the optical fiber temperature sensors pre-embedded in the original segment. The air temperature and wind velocity that constitute thermal boundary conditions are determined in the light of the local meteorological department and correlative research achievements of recent years. Moreover, the consideration for the steel formwork acting as a barrier to heat loss is also proved to be beneficial to improve the simulation effect.
Temperature field and its variation with time are necessary for analyzing the thermo-mechanical performance of mass concrete structures at their early ages. This paper carries out a temperature field simulation analysis for an original segment of a real box girder bridge with the finite element software ANSYS. Two representative exothermic rate models are used to describe the heat- releasing process caused by the cement hydration in concrete. The exothermic rate model that conforms to reality more closely is recognized by comparing the simulation results with the data gathered from the optical fiber temperature sensors pre-embedded in the original segment. The air temperature and wind velocity that constitute thermal boundary conditions are determined in the light of the local meteorological department and correlative research achievements of recent years. Moreover, the consideration for the steel formwork acting as a barrier to heat loss is also proved to be beneficial to improve the simulation effect.
The Soft Science Foundation of Ministry of Construction of China (No.06-k3-14)