目的建立黄芎抗栓胶囊薄层色谱的指纹图谱。方法用薄层色谱法对黄芎抗栓胶囊进行分离、检测,以正己烷-醋酸乙酯-甲酸(30∶10∶0.5)为展开剂,检测波长为290 nm。结果该部位薄层色谱峰得到较好分离,获得了较理想的薄层色谱指纹图谱。结论该方法简便、快速,重现性较好,可用于该复方中药制剂的质量控制。
Aim To establish the fingerprint chromatogram of Huangqiongkangshuan capsules by TLCS and lay foundation of quality standard.Methods The thin layer chromatographic method was adopted.Huangqiongkangshuan capsules were extracted by ultrasound and separated by outspread on silica gel G thin layer,and n-hexane-ethyl acetate-formic acid(30∶10∶0.5)as the developing system,detection wavelength is 290 nm by using CAMAG TLC Scanner III.Results The separation condition described above achieved a good fingerpint and peaks were separated on the TLCS fingerprint of Huangqiongkangshuan capsules.Conclusion The method is simple and accurate with a good reproducibility and can be used for a quality control method for Huangqiongkangshuan capsules.
Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal