
黄河内蒙古杭锦旗独贵塔拉奎素段凌汛期溃堤原因分析 被引量:2

Analysis on Ice Flood Damaged Dike from the Location of the Inner Mongolia Hangjinqi Duguitalakuisu Region of the Yellow River
摘要 2008年3月20日凌晨内蒙古杭锦旗独贵塔拉奎素段黄河大堤发生溃堤,直接经济损失达69 120万元。造成此次溃堤灾害主要有两个原因:①黄河内蒙古河段河道主槽淤积严重,堤防标准低;②槽蓄水量大量释放,使三湖河口水位持续上涨,大堤长时间处于高水位的浸泡之中。提出一系列防御和减轻黄河内蒙古河段凌灾损失的工程与非工程的建设措施。 March 20, 2008 early morning, the location of the Inner Mongolia Hangjinqi Duguitalakuisu region of the Yellow River embankments in the damage, disaster area 106 km^2, the number of disasters 10, 241, direct economic losses amounted to 691.2 million. Cause of the disaster for two main reasons. (1)the fundamental reason is the major regional river silt serious, low standards of the dike;(2)mainly due to the accumulation of water in the river was the release of a large number so that the water level continued to rise Sanhehukou Hydrometric Station, dike for a long time in high level of blisters, therefore, there was damage to the dikes disaster. By analyzing the reasons for the damage of the dike, proposed a series of preparedness and disaster mitigation projects and other building measures.
出处 《黑龙江水专学报》 2009年第1期31-33,共3页 Journal of Heilongjiang Hydraulic Engineering College
关键词 凌汛 溃堤原因 对策措施 黄河内蒙古河段 ice floods the reasons for the dikes collapse recommendations and measures Yellow River in Inner Mongolia region
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