
早期美国华裔青年的自我认同:兼评雷洁琼硕士论文的历史意义 被引量:4

The Identity Formation of American-born Chinese Youth in the 1930s:A Review of Lei Jie-qiong's Master Thesis and Its Historical Implications
摘要 以雷洁琼1931年的硕士论文为原始资料,分析了20世纪30年代华裔青年的自我认同,论述了芝加哥学派对早期华人华裔研究的影响,华裔青年群体的成长过程、种族压力下的华人家庭生活、华裔学生在美国公立学校的经历、在就业上所受到的歧视以及渴望返回中国的心理状态。提炼出一个观点:在美国族裔关系中,只要整个华人族群的地位低下,华裔青年的自我认同就无法摆脱"外国人"的阴影;华裔青少年在语言、思维、生活方式及社会举止上的美国化仅仅是一种单方面的改变,并不能使他们成为一个美国社会认可的美国人;在一个种族意识强烈的社会里,文化上的美国人不等于是种族上的美国人。 Through a careful analysis of Lei Jie-qiong's Master thesis written in 1931, this article examines the self-identity of American-born Chinese youth in the 1930s. A number of issues are discussed, such as how the early academic research on ethnic Chinese was influenced by the Chicago School, the growth of American-born Chinese youth as a social group, ethnic Chinese family life under the ethnic pressure, Chinese students at American public schools, discrimination against American-born Chinese in employment, students and why they wanted to go back to China. The author argues that as long as the social status of Chinese American community as a whole remained low, the self-identity of Chinese youth could never get rid of the lingering shadow of "being foreigners". Acquiring and replicating White Americans' language, mindset, social manners and behaviour was merely a superficial change, which could not make them accepted by American society. In a racially stratified society, being culturally American is different from being racially American.
出处 《华侨华人历史研究》 CSSCI 2009年第1期11-26,共16页 Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies
关键词 美国华裔 华裔青年 自我认同 种族关系 种族意识 种族歧视 雷洁琼 American-born Chinese Chinese American youth identity race relations ethnic consciousness racial discrimination Lei Jie-qiong
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