[目的]探索鸭广梨主要病虫害的高效、环保防治措施,为鸭广梨的无公害栽培提供指导。[方法]通过对廊坊市鸭广梨主要病虫害进行无公害防治试验,找出适合鸭广梨的高效、环保防治措施。[结果]梨小食心虫发生有4个高峰期,第一高峰期在5月下旬至6月上旬,为越冬代成虫 第二高峰期在7月上中旬,为第1代成虫,第三高峰期在7月下旬至8月上旬,为第2代成虫 第四高峰期在8月下旬,为第3代成虫。梨黑星病病叶5月下旬开始出现,7~8月份为发病盛期。以物理机械防治和生物防治为主,加强梨园的肥水管理,少施化肥,增施有机肥,可减少对环境和果品的污染,促进梨树生长,提高产量和果品品质。[结论]该研究为生产无公害果品奠定了基础。
[Objective] The purpose was to explore the high efficient and environmental control measures of the main diseases and pests in Yaguang pear and provide guidance for its harmless cultivation.[Method] The high efficient and environmental control measures suitable for Yaguang pear were found through performing harmless control experiment on its main diseases and pests in Langfang City.[Result] The occurrence of oriental fruit moth had 4 peak periods. The 1st peak period was from late May to early June and the pests were winter generation adults. The 2nd peak period was early and middle July and the pests were the 1st generation adults. The 3rd peak period was from late July to early Aug. and the pests were the 2nd generation adults. The 4th peak period was late Aug. and the pests were the 3rd generation adults. The leaves infected pear scab started to appear in late May and it became epidemic in JulyAug. With physical and mechanical control and biological control as main weasures, strengthening the management of fertilizer and water in pear orchard and fertilizing less chemical fertilizer and mere organic manure could reduce the pollution on environment and fruit, promote the growth of pear tree and enhance the yield and quality of pear. [Conclusion] The study laid a foundation for producing harmless fruit.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Yaguang pear
Diseases and pests
Integrated control