金刚石工具的残余应力大小是评价其性能品质好坏的重要因素之一。实验利用国产六面顶压机,在高温高压的条件下(5.6GPa,1300℃~1500℃),采用熔渗法制备了低残余应力的优质生长型金刚石复合片(PDC)。采用微区拉曼光谱(micro—Raman spectroscopy)测试表征了PDC样品的残余应力分布及大小。研究结果表明,通过制备工艺和组装的优化,制备的生长型PDC样品表面及内部残余应力相对分布均匀,应力值较低,平均数值低于250MPa,远低于文献报道的PDC内部具有870~1400MPa的巨大的残余应力值。
The residual stress in diamond tool is one of the important factors affecting its quality. In this paper, high quality growth-type polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) with low residual stress is prepared using infiltrating method at high temperature and high pressure (5.6GPa, 1300℃- 1500℃ ) by china-type cubic apparatus. Micro-Raman spectroscopy was used to measure the residual stress of PDC samples and its distribution in PDC. The study indicates that the PDC samples prepared by optimizing technics have low and uniformity residual stress (250MPa) in both inner layers and surfaces, which is lower than the reported high residual stress (870-1400MPa) in PDC.
Superhard Material Engineering