本文报告采用 M 型.二维超声心功图和彩色多普勒血流显象对36例老年心肌梗塞患者进行的研究.并与36例正常人对照。结果:左冠状动脉主干(LMCA)内径患者组(3.8±0.79mm)与对照组(3.9±0.72mm)间无明显差别(P>0.05).但患者组中有26例发现LMCA 管腔不规则和局限性狭窄;22例左室增大;5例左室壁瘤;5例二尖瓣返流。本文还对心肌梗塞的二维定位和超声显象特点进行了探讨。
36 elderly patients with myocardial infarctiort were evaluated by M-mode,two-dimensional echocardiography (2DE) and color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI).The control group consisted of 36 normal subjects.There was no significant difference in luminal diameter of left main coronary artery (LMCA) between patients and coutrol group (3.8±0.79mm aud 3.9±0.72, respectively,p>0.05).The luminal irregularities and local stenosis in LMCA. were found in 26 patients.There were 22 cases of left ventricular enlarge- ment,5 cases of ventri-cular aneurysm and 5 cases of mitral regurgitationr in 36 patients.Two-dimensional location and imaging characters of myoca- dial infarction were also studied.
Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine