Our previous work showed that the percentage of β-lactamase-pro-ducing Gram-negative rods isolated from general hospitals in Beijing was as high as65.5%. In 1987, a programme on multiple drug-resistant bacteria surveillance was conductedin our anti-infection research ward.During an 8-month period, 55 isolates or Gram-neg-ative bacilli were collected from patients considered as having hospital infections. 18 of the55 strains were resistant to seven antibioties tested, including ampicillin, carbenicillin,furbenicillin, cefazolin, gentamicin, tobramycin, and chloramphenicol; but 17 of the18 strains were still highly sensitive to ceftazidime, the corresponding number or sensitivestrains of cefoperazone, cefotaxime and ceftriaxone were 8/18, 11/18, and 15/18, respectively.Our research date obtained in 1987 from a comparative in-vitro activity ofcephalosporins against 1098 pathogens isolated from patients in Beijing also proved thatceftazidime is the best antipseudomonas antibiotic and onc of the best new cephalosporinsagainst other Gram-negative rods.The results showed that the MIC_(90), MIC_(50), I_(50) and the percentage or susceptible strains of ceftazidime against Pseudomonas aeruginosa were 4,2, 1.96 and 94.4%, respectively, while the corresponding data or cefoperazone were 16,4, 8.96 and 83.8%, respectively. The results or in vitro activity obtained in 1987 have beencompared with the data obtained in 1985-1986.The results showed that the rate or resist-ance of Ps. aeruginosa to ceftazidime is the lowest among the third-generationcephalosporins and other antipseudomonal antibiotics tested. The rising incidence of multi-resistant Gram-negative bacteria isoalted in hospitalshas become a big problem in clinics. It is highly necessary to use enzyme-stablecephalosporins with strong activity against Gram-negative bacilli in the treatment of severeinfections caused by Gram-negative resistant bacilli. particularly byPs. aeruginosa. Ceftazidime has been suggested to be used as soon as possible in that situa-tion. A surve
The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology