“胜利二号”钻井平台是一座具有两栖性能的钻井平台。它在水上可以漂浮拖航,在平坦的泥砂质浅海滩上可以步行前进。步行平台步进控制的关键,是使内外体之间4只顶升油缸的运动同步。根据平台结构的要求,4缸同步误差小于20 mm,不然将会使内外体卡壳、变形损坏。胜利二号步进同步控制有两套独立系统,微机控制和自整角机伺服控制。微机控制的同步检测采用磁栅技术。磁栅是五十年代后期发展起来的一种新型基准测尺,初期只能制造圆形磁栅。
This paper reviews the two independent synchronization control systems, a microcomputer control system and a selsyn system, for the walking mechanism of a platform. Magnetic grid control was used for synchronous jack-up operations. Principles of the magnetic grid digital display system were described. Interface output circuit was added to the digital display unit of the magnetic grid. Tests and practical applications show that deviations of the four jack-up cylinders' automated controls are slight, i.e., only a few millimeters Tracking compensation responded quickly and met the design requirements.
China offshore Platform