据中国海洋石油总公司宣布,于1989年1月2日开始的海洋石油第三轮招标,其招标的海域为南海珠江口盆地东沙-神孤地区,划分成七个区块,即17/17、17/21、29/16、28/11、28/28、27/32、41/14区块,面积共32 000平方公里,大部分区块位于水深200~500米处,有的区块水深100多米。这次招标采取了更为优惠的政策和灵活的措施。
The paper reviews the preferential policy presented by China National Offshore Oil Corp. in the 3rd offshore oil. bidding cycle. It includes the addition of the optional geophysical exploration to the provisions of the standardized contract, the new settlement method for mining area utilization charges based on the scale of the oil field, and the reduction of other charges that foreign companies had to pay before A series of flexible measures have been taken to go with the policy.
China offshore Platform