There are three lava sheets of Cenozoic Era along the Dahongliutan fault zone of Western Korum Mountains. They consist mainly of neutral-basic effusive rocks.
The formation of the rocks are Early Miocene to Late Pliocene and Late Pleistocene. The volcanic massifs distributed along the Dahongliutan fault are a string of beads in shape.They belong to the eruption of central type.The volcanic eruptive frequency, intensity and character in different places and the petro-chemical feature and the volcanic activity age have both similarities and varieties.These features are comparable with the volcanic active features of Cenozoic Era of the Ulugkl area from the eastern section of the Kengxiwa deep fault and the Black Stone lake, the Whale lake areas of the southern deep fault zone of Eastern Kunlun mountains. Therefore, the Kengxiwa deep fault can be linked up to the southern deep fault of
Eastern Kunlun Mountains before Cenozoic Era. Since Cenozoic Era, Qingzang pla-teau has been rap dly lifted because of the intense collision of Indian plate with Eurasian plate so that the structure in the plateau is further complicated. The Dahongliutan fault was displaced about 50 km in horizontal direction by the Ru-oqiang-Lazhulong deep fault hence, its present framework was formed.
Xinjiang Geology
Dahongliutan fault zone of western Kunlun mountains, lava sheets of Cenozoic Era, neutral-basic effusive rocks, eruption of central type of land facies