一、前言煤炭微波脱硫是近年来国外发展较快的一种煤炭脱流方法,它不仅能有效地脱除煤中的无机硫,对有机硫也有一定作用。该法依据煤中各组分在一定频率的微波场中介电性质的差异,选择性吸收微波能,发生脱硫反应。微波能与介质之间的耦合度用微波能在单位体积介质中功率损耗表示为: P/V=πfε。E^2ε″_r (1)式中:π、自由空间的介电常数,ε。为常数,频率f、场强E对一定设备、在一定频率下为常数,介质的介电损耗ε″_r号取决于介质的性质。可见,介质与微波能之间的相互作用与其介电性质密切相关。本文测量了煤与浸提剂的介电性质,并结合微波脱硫试验,考查了两者之间的一些规律性。
In this paper, the dielectric properties of several coals(Zhazhuang, Suncun, Wuda bituminous), leachants and their mixtures are measured at 2420—2550 MHz in a TM010 mode and a TM012 mode cavities. The tendencies of the dielectric properties of the leachants' solutions which vary with their concentrations are studied. With several typical leachants, the tests of coal desulfurization by microwave energy are carried out to study the relation between the leachants' dielectric properties and the efficiencies of the desulfurization of coal by means of microwave energy.
Guizhou Science