耐热感光高分子是一种新型的功能高分子材料.笔者以均笨四酸二酐、丙烯酸羟乙酯、二氯亚砜及二氨基二苯醚为主要原料,经过一系列化学反应,制得一种聚酰亚胺型(PI—A 型)感光预聚体.本文对感光单体的合成反应动力学进行了研究,并用正交试验设计法确定了预聚体最佳反应条件.此外,还用热失重法(TG)、红外光谱分析法(IR)、紫外光谱分析法(UV)及元素分析法等测定了聚合物的性能.
The heat-resistant photosensitive polymer is a new functional polymer materials,This paper presents a polyimide-type heatresistant prepolymer which is prepared by pyromellitic acid dianhydride.β-oxyethyl-acrylate, thinoyl chloride and diaminodiphenylether being used as raw materials to make it,The synthetic reaction kinetics of photosensitive monomer have been investigated and the optimum reaction conditions of prepolymer are determined by cross test design methodo.The properties of polymer are characterized by TG,UV,IR and element analysis.
Journal of Hebei University of Technology