This paper introduces a dynaniic model for structural reliability. This modelorsanically combines a niatheniatical niodel with a physical cause method. Asimulation method for the estimation of structural reliability is put forward. Itsbasic principle is that the eetimation of the general reliability of structure maybe obtained by simulating the test of structural life to get the samples ofstructural life. Therefore a basis is provided to evaluate dyna.niic strticrurereliability completely.
This paper introduces a dynaniic model for structural reliability. This modelorsanically combines a niatheniatical niodel with a physical cause method. Asimulation method for the estimation of structural reliability is put forward. Itsbasic principle is that the eetimation of the general reliability of structure maybe obtained by simulating the test of structural life to get the samples ofstructural life. Therefore a basis is provided to evaluate dyna.niic strticrurereliability completely.